Saturday, July 18, 2009

a day in my life. lives.

In a parallel universe, I woke up at 7 a.m. this morning, ate a fine breakfast of yogurt and berries and oats, went to an ab class at the Y and then headed to the farmers' market to pick up some fresh produce.

In this universe, I slept in, rolled out of bed closer to 10:30, threw on some clothes, didn't bother to comb my hair, poured myself a bowl of cereal (I did put berries in it), and then c. and I went to the farmers' market at noon only to find that it was closing down. New summer hours - it no longer closes at one. In this same universe, I'm now home sitting in the ac and wasting time on the computer.

In the parallel universe, I am doing something like sailing on Lake Travis, maybe diving in for a dip in the water. I look fabulous, by the way.

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